Summer Social - Saturday, August 11, 3pm-6pm

Black Mountain Democratic Club Summer Social
Saturday, August 11, 2018, 3pm - 6pm

In lieu of an August club meeting, it's time for a summer social! You are invited to Eva and Danny Jackson's beautiful garden to socialize with fellow club members, club friends, their families, Democratic candidates and elected officials.
Bring a dish to share. Utensils, plates and drinks will be provided.

Please email Danny Jackson at [email protected] or call 858-583-9534 to RSVP. The address will be provided at that time.

August 11, 2018 at 3:00pm - 6pm
Home of Eva and Danny Jackson
Address Available after RSVP
San Diego, CA
United States
Google map and directions
RSVP to Danny Jackson · · 858-583-9534