Club Meeting Minutes

Minutes Black Mountain Democratic Club



PRESENT: @38 In-Person Summer Social


5:15 - 6:30 pm ROOM SET UP

  In addition to setting up tables, chairs, projector, and flag, we set up the following activity areas:

  • WELCOME TABLE with name tags, petty cash (for dues), sign-in sheet, and sign-up to volunteer for Mira Mesa Street Fair, October 5th, BMDC booth.
  • POST CARD TABLE for writing to Georgia Democrat voters

6:30 - 7:00 pm SOCIALIZING TIME with slideshow about the 2025 Project

7:00 pm MEETING

Lee Finney, BMDC President, welcomed everyone, led the club in the flag salute and preamble, followed by a call for approval of the July meeting minutes. A motion to approve was made by Tiffany Cuellar and seconded by Caludia von Wilpert. By raise of hands all were in favor.

·      Claudia von Wilpert gave the Treasurer’s report.

·       Joan Raphael reported that we currently have 58 members.

  • Mary Petrowski, Regional GO Team Coordinator, gave a pitch for the GO Team.
  • Tiffany Cuellar, BMDC VP, introduced our guest speaker, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, candidate for re-election. Sara made a few opening remarks and then opened it to questions. She ended by praising everyone for their work to get Democrats elected.
  • Sarah Spear-Barrett & Marcia Finney encouraged everyone to write a couple of postcards at the post card table and sign-up with one of several organizations sending addresses and scripts for postcards and emails.


7:50 pm Lee thanked everyone for attending. We invited Supervisor Terra Lawson Remer to speak at out next meeting on Sept. 11th.  The meeting will be held in the same location.  The address is Mesa Valley Rec Hall 2, 10540 Caminito Baywood, San Diego 92126.  We will have Jason Becovitch in person on October 9th to give a breakdown of the ballot propositions.


Respectfully Submitted,




Marcia Finney

Secretary, Black Mtn Democratic Club